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About the Business


Ten Mile Brewing Co., the brewery of kinda-Signal Hill-but-really-Long-Beach, has always been brewing great beer.

Beer-centric spaces like The 4th Horseman have long been supporters and their operation has earned them their own taproom at Steelcraft in Bellflower. They were recently representing Long Beach and Signal Hill at this 2023's Great American Beer Fest—largely considered the nation’s highest honor in beer—and snagged the gold for their Hooked on Onyx, a midnight ode to the almighty American black ale that has come to be expected of the brewery whenever they sample at beer festivals or have new patrons ask about their strengths.

And while the space has always been a strong supporter (and still is) of Long Beach popup staples like the Cambodian Cowboy himself, Chef Chad Phuong of Battambong BBQ, it has begun its formal dive into food—and it is tackling none other than the mighty pizza scene that has been bourgeoning throughout Long Beach.

So what, exactly, is the pizza at Ten Mile like? Jesse goes for the much-appropriate “neo-American” description where it follows the basic principles of Neapolitan pizza—thin undercrust, big and airy edges—but he commits a few sins in terms of the fundamentalist approach to Neapolitan pie.

For one, he uses oil and he will not apologize for it. Secondly, he uses—as most pizzerias should—flour made locally from Central Milling rather than having old flour shipped from Italy (which is also the same flour carb master Harmony Sage uses at the also-underrated Long Beach Beer Lab). And also within that the-best-pizza-uses-local-ingredients vein, they use a yeast they have immediate access to: the very same company which makes the yeast they use to make Ten Mile’s beer. He cold-ferments because, well, he is in a brewery so it makes sense to work with a yeast that can survive lower temperatures.
