About the Business
Tucked into a strip mall off of Clark near Atherton, The ‘Lude is often one of the first dive bars freshly minted Cal State students or future Long Beach residents or longtime natives explore—and despite the recent facelift the landlord did, the Interlude still holds all its divey charm. (We forever honor their original signage and that lovely 'cocktails' neon sign. RIP.)
Long ago, it used to have the kind of bartenders that got annoyed when you ordered something like Grey Goose or Maker’s Mark because they “can’t keep up with that new crap—why don’t you just drink Jack?” But, for a reason no one will ever have the heart to ask, they’re gone and now have the younger bartenders that have come to replace them but not lost the respect of The Dive. It might be a new generation but The ‘Lude lives on as the same unruly beast it ever was.
1710 Clark Avenue, Long Beach, CA, USA